Report of the Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Management Committee Meeting of February 4

This report, which contains observations and selected highlights, is not an official statement of the LWV.  Official minutes are prepared by WWTP staff.

Present: Jeff Harrington (WWTP Superintendent), Mayor Bobst (Rocky River), Mayor Sutherland (Bay Village), Paul Quinn and Robert Kelly (Westlake), Rob Berner (Fairview Park)

Also in attendance: Keith Bovard and Christine Gottwald (WWTP); David Matty (legal counsel); Michael Thomas (Rocky River Director of Finance); Bob Greytak (CT Consultants); and Bill Kasberg (URS Corporation)

2013 Sewer Flow & Strength Study Followup

In keeping with the WWTP agreement, a 60-day study of sewage flow and strength (particle concentration) is conducted every four years to determine WWTP cost allocation among the four cities (Bay Village, Fairview Park, Rocky River, and Westlake).  The spring 2013 study, conducted by URS, was accepted by the four cities in August.  In December, Bay Village City Council questioned its allocation increase from 16.36% to 24.80%.  Bay Village engaged CT Consultants to review the URS study.  CT, URS, and the four cities' engineers reviewed CT's findings.

Mayor Sutherland stated no changes were made to the sewer system to account for the large increase.  CT has been unable thus far to pinpoint a reason.  Mr. Kasberg agreed to give CT all raw data.

The discussion turned to possible methodology improvements for the next study.  Mr. Kasberg recommended putting another sampler on Bay Village's 42-inch pipe to verify strength.  Mr. Greytak noted that a few days into the study, Bay Village may have made a minor change to a sewer.  All agreed on the importance of good communication and of suspending changes during the study. 

Mayor Sutherland suggested increasing the study's frequency to every two or three years from four years.  Mayor Bobst believes such a change would make sense, since all four cities have been conducting significant projects to meet US and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency requirements. 

District One Public Works Integrating Committee Update

DOPWIC has awarded over $1.4 million in grants and $1.2 million in a no-interest, 25-year loan for WWTP capital improvements for 2014-2017.  An additional $800,000 will come from the WWTP capital fund.

Part of the planned improvements will increase screening of waste to meet more stringent EPA requirements for deposits on farmland versus landfill.  Currently, the WWTP sends sludge to a local farm for eight months per year at $17 per wet ton and to a landfill at $45 per wet ton for the other four months.

No Feasible Alternative Analysis

Diversion during peak wet weather requires EPA review.  Because planned capital improvements would skew the required NFA study, the WWTP is seeking a deferral until the next permit cycle.

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Volume 1, Issue 9, Posted 3:21 PM, 03.04.2014